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Top 5 Lifestyle Changes for a Healthy Liver

Top 5 lifestyle changes for a healthy liver

The liver is an essential organ that aids in the digestion of food while also removing toxic substances from the body. Keeping the liver healthy is vital in maintaining overall health. Let’s discuss the Top 5 lifestyle changes that you can make to ensure a healthy liver.

1. Maintain an optimum weight for your height and age

Overweight or obese physical states are one of the most important risk factors for developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Weight loss if overweight or obese plays a vital role in reducing liver fat and keeping a healthy liver.

2. A healthy and well-balanced diet

‘Empty’ calorie based foods such as those with refined carbohydrates (e.g. white rice, pasta, and white bread), sugars, and saturated fats should be eaten in moderation while foods rich in fiber, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, rice, and whole wheat bread are great for balancing calories with nutritional value. Dairy, meat, and fats can also be incorporated in your diet in low amounts. Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet in order to maintain an optimal weight is vital for your liver health.

3. Avoid excessive intake of alcohol

Alcohol consumption in excessive amounts can damage liver cells and cause alcoholic fatty liver disease - this in itself can gradually lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Consume alcohol in moderation or turn to non-alcoholic alternatives.

4. Engage in regular physical activity

Exercise is great for overall health but regular physical activity is, in particular, great for your liver health. Regular exercise decreases the risk of fat accumulation in the liver and helps to maintain a healthy body weight.

5. Be informed of the medications that you consume for other health conditions

Some medications are harmful for your liver, such as certain cholesterol-lowering drugs. Medications may be particularly harmful if combined with other medicines or alcohol. If taking medicines, supplements, or herbal products it might be worthwhile to consult your physician if you are unsure about its benefits compared to risks. Moreover, certain cholesterol-lowering drugs may affect the liver. Therefore, consult your doctor before consuming these products.

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