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Advanced stage CKD and treatments

There are 5 stages of chronic kidney disease based on progression and severity:

  1. Normal

  2. Increased risk

  3. Kidney damage

  4. Reduced kidney function

  5. Kidney failure

In Stage 1, your kidneys are working normally without any symptoms. However, there are signs, such as protein levels in the urine, that indicate there may be underlying issues.

(eGFR value >90)

In Stage 2, your kidneys are mildly damaged but are still functioning normally. Tests indicate you may also have high blood pressure. While kidney damage is irreversible, there are many things you can do to preserve your kidney health.

(eGFR values 60-89)

Plan of action:

  • Kidney-friendly diet

  • Exercise regularly

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Quit smoking

In Stage 3, there is mild to moderate kidney damage. Your kidneys are not functioning well in filtering out waste and extra fluids. Waste and toxins build up in the body and cause health problems such as high blood pressure and bone disease.

(eGFR value 30-59)

Plan of action:

  • Take medications as prescribed by your doctor

  • Control blood pressure, diabetes, calcium, Vit D, diuretics for swelling

  • Seek a kidney specialist

In Stage 4, your kidneys are moderately to severely damaged. The kidneys are increasingly damaged and you are likely to experience symptoms such as swelling in the limbs and lower back pain.

(eGFR value 15-29)

Plan of action:

  • Schedule a visit to a nephrologist

  • Learn about your potential treatment options

  • Choose a dialysis access type

In Stage 5, you are in end-stage renal disease. With severe kidney damage, your kidneys are very close to failure. You will need to start dialysis or consider a kidney transplant.

(eGFR value <15)

Plan of action:

  • See a nephrologist regularly

  • Prepare and start treatment (Dialysis or kidney transplant)

  • Build your support network to encourage your health journey


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